
Notre Dame (Blue & Green)

Blue and green, somewhre in between
That's all I really know where life flows

Green and blue, someone like you
Love always knows where life flows

Our Mother who art in everyone,
everything is thy name.

Thy garden serene, thy waters green
the earth as they blue the heavens.

Thank you for our daily bread and the blessing
that no one can be satisfied until everyone is fed.

Forgive our ignorance as we forgive
those who ignore you in each of us.

Lead us from fear and deliver us from anger
and anxieties,

for life is a ripening to return to you, to feed you,
to seed you,

to be reborn forever and ever


© 2005 Richard Fammerée/Nomadica Musica & Poetry, ASCAP

To experience a performance of Notre Dame (Blue & Green)
please visit:
and listen to selection #1 (upper right corner).

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