
Pont des Arts Ensemble

Pont des Arts Ensemble features Richard Fammerée (poet,
composer and multi-instrumentalist), Carrie Ingrisano
(singer-songwriter, bass) and Meg Lauterbach (cello) with
Vic Sanders (electric guitar & electronica) and Meg Thomas
(percussion and drums).

A sensual banquet of poetry & music, passion & spirituality,
Pont des Arts Ensemble is the finest example of the global
renaissance of the marriage of \poetry and new performance
media. Poetry married to music, theatre and dance is more
ancient than recorded history and the freshest movement
in contemporary performance worldwide.

Pont des Arts features passionate, compassionate,
alternative/contemporary art songs of Richard Fammerée.
Singer-songwriter Carrie Ingrisano offers a vulnerable
elegance and decidedly neoclassical element. Further refined
by the exquisite, compelling contributions of Meg Lauterbach
and Vic Sanders.

Shakespeare meets Sigur Ros meets Piaf along the
Mediterranean. . . . A sensual banquet of poetry & music, passion
& spirituality. Viva la evolution!
(George Whitman,
Shakespeare & Co., Paris)

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